Física, Color y Ritmo @ Art Basel 2012

If you're in a quest for a mix of surrealism art, physics, music and science DroDav is the artist to look for
What can I say? Each piece is intended to inpire a visual analysis experience and it does. You can discover
new elements at each glance as every piece is full of personality. No more talk, I hope you enjoy
them all the way I do.

Dro got a chance to work during Miami's 2012 Art Basel in what it is considered to be
"the Hollywood of street art".
The name of the piece is "Fisica, Color y Ritmo" (Physic, Color & Rhythm). Inspired by the water experiment
conducted by Masaru Emoto which claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure
of water. Emoto's hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research. Initially he believed that water takes
on the "resonance" of the energy which is directed at it, and that polluted water can be restored through
prayer and positive visualization.
conducted by Masaru Emoto which claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure
of water. Emoto's hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research. Initially he believed that water takes
on the "resonance" of the energy which is directed at it, and that polluted water can be restored through
prayer and positive visualization.
If you're in a quest for a mix of surrealism art, physics, music and science DroDav is the artist to look for
What can I say? Each piece is intended to inpire a visual analysis experience and it does. You can discover
new elements at each glance as every piece is full of personality. No more talk, I hope you enjoy
them all the way I do.
* Mural photos taken by me with a Canon Rebel T3i
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